Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Study On The Health Care System - 1603 Words

Our initial one hour conversation for â€Å"Getting to know you† began at 1 pm on Sunday, February 21st and used Google hangout . As the facilitator of the conversation, I began the conversation with introductions . This time-honored tradition was extremely helpful as it allowed me to associate a face with each name attached to the previous email correspondences. Both of the Danish Institute students currently live with host families and participated in the conversation from their host family’s home. Although these students are enrolled in Danish language classes, thankfully, the students and their host families spoke English. The first student at the Danish Institute, Mina, is a junior economics major taking Health Care Economics because†¦show more content†¦As for Ty, he answered honestly by admitting he is a freshman who needed a fourth course, has no idea about his major, and enrolled because the course was open. Finally, I introduced myself as a seni or chemistry and economics double major who will begin medical school in July. After volunteering at a clinic for the uninsured for the past five years, I realized I needed to understand the health care system in order to better serve my future patients. In addition, I hope to someday operate my own clinic for under and uninsured Americans, therefore I Healthcare Economics is not only fascinating, but relevant for my future plans. Unfortunately, shortly after these introductions, we began to experience technical difficulties, which significantly hindered communication . Although the video feed worked, the sound cut out while various people talked. This issue was exemplified by Hanci asking a question, which was heard by St. Olaf students as, â€Å"Tell me†¦. Obamacare†¦ percentage?† I asked her to please repeat her question; however, the same reverberation and deletion of words within her sentence was heard. These technical difficulties of hearing partial sentences and conversations continued for at least 5 min. Finally, Mina was able to clearly communicate how we could all participate in google hang out (video) while simultaneously messaging our conversation. This new information allowed us to open the messaging

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